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Showing posts with the label spring

Making plans for the spring, keeping it small and simple this year.

I feel like an old man as I watch the blustery snow swirl outside my window.  I'm wrapped in a warm sweater, drinking an aromatic herbal tea and I am at peace.  " All I am missing, " I think to myself, " is a pipe and my cranky old man persona would be complete. "  Winter gives me time to think.    I hate the winter, the cold and the dark of it.  I hate the short days, the snow and the cold rain.  I hate the very thought of dealing with it. It was winter that drove me south all those years ago. We have yet to have a harsh winter since moving back to Western Pennsylvania.  We have had cold snaps and snow of course, but the snaps haven't settled in for months and the snow - while heavy at times - has generally melted away quickly.  This has made the winter bearable for me. Winter gives me a break, a moment to stop and catch my breath before the busy seasons begin again.  Lately I've been thinking about work and what I have to do come spring; such as cleani

In like a Lion, Out like a Lamb. Rambling thoughts for the beginning of March.

  I saw a comic recently that describes the month of March perfectly. Two people are standing outside and it starts to rain, one of them comments on that by saying "Oh, it's raining again." The next panel has the other same person saying, " And now it's a mix of snow and ice." The third and final panel has some colored in streaks through the air and the first person asks the question "Is that mud?"   To which the other person simply states "I hate March." Honestly I don't hate March.  Much like September it's a transmission month for me, where I shake off the dust and depression of winter and look forward to longer days, warmer temperatures and a more colorful environment.  This winter was generally mild, with only December bearing snow and unbearably cold temperatures.  Having grown up in Western Pennsylvania, I know that Mother Nature has at least one more ice storm up her sleeve. Even as I write this our yard is cov

Random thoughts and pieces - Spring is getting near.

    Over the past few days the temperature has been on a roller coaster ride as we hit peak highs and small dips that remind us that this is Western Pennsylvania and winter may not be over till April.  However the days are getting warmer and spring - once a faraway dream - seems to be sneaking in.        I was even able to open the windows a few days ago and the last of the snow; dating back to mid December, has finally melted away.        The other night I watch as a family of deer grazed outside my front window nibbling on the first green sprigs of grass, our youngest cat looking on in fascination.  Spring is coming.  The days are getting longer and I think about planting some flowers and seedlings obtained through the Mercer Country Conservation website .      I'm thinking that the native wild flowers and grasses will make a nice addition to the home.       I plan on letting part of the yard go wild again this year, letting it be overrun with native plants, I'm even conside

The Cicada Spring.

     When I lived in Florida, a friend of mine worked for one of the local news stations, where he was a camera operator and he confirmed what I had always expected.   That TV news was a form of entertainment and that the old adage of " If it bleeds, it leads" was true.        Thus it's important to remember that a lot of what we are seeing on the internet or on the TV news concerning the coming of the so called Brood X Cicada is either not true or inaccurate.  This is not a "once in a lifetime" event but rather part of the bug's mating cycle, occurring every 17 years.       No, they will not eat crops, bite you or your animals nor will they leave questionable stains on your patio furniture.   Yes, they are loud.      What makes Brood X so news worthy however is the mere size of their emergence.   It stretches from upper state New York to as far south as Tennessee and Northern Georgia; to as far west as Illinois.  It's been estimated that there cou


      The official first day of spring was roughly three weeks ago, although I think in most people minds, spring officially starts around Easter.   The last of the cold fronts have hopefully moved through and we are all waiting, anticipating, the growing season to start.     It's almost a palpable energy sweeping through this small community.  All around our small town; I see fields getting plowed, garden beds are getting readied, even our own.  Talk of what fertilizer to use and potting soils fill each and every store around us.  Weed killers, organic and otherwise, are quickly flying off the shelves.  The hum of lawnmowers and other equipment fills the air.           With each day that passes, another tree blooms.  Another flower sprouts.  Our yard is filled with daffodils and here and there, even a dandelion pops up.      Officially the first frost free day is around May 17th , but I don't think many people will wait that long to plant.  We are officially planting over this

Easter, Family and Hrudka (Slovak Egg Cheese)

    We are having my family over for Easter.       Generally speaking I'm happy about this.   I don't get to see my brother and his family very often.  I'm sure that my niece will have a bit of fun feeding our next door neighbor, Billy the horse. as well as enjoying a good dinner of glazed Ham, carrots with some pesto and my homemade ricotta, scalloped potato's and maybe some grilled asparagus.       Easter is also a time of rebirth, a call back to simpler times when the natural cycles of the world held sway.   Both Susan and I are non religious, believing in Science more than some Higher Power but we are both smart enough to know that traditions matter; and that deep down we are still hardwired to be thankful for warmer days ahead. Blessing of the Easter Baskets     This is also the first major holiday since Thanksgiving that we will have family over.  Sadly my brother and I have little in common and completely different memories of growing up in the same home.  Si