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Showing posts with the label review

Body Blows - a look back at 2023

Even though we are nearly two weeks away from the New Year, I've decided to try and write what has traditionally been the last post of the year now.  For me it's always been a brief review of what I've covered, accomplished and achieved in the past year.   Like the above meme says....I made it through. Maybe it's due to seasonal depression, maybe it's due to my writing this blog for slightly over three years and my audience is still in the hundreds, not the thousands like previous blogs have been but I think this blog may be coming to an end. Although the low readership that I have could be due to the blogging platform I use, which is neither supported by nor promoted by Google anymore.  However I love the ease and simplicity of this particular platform and see no reason to change it at this time. This lack of comments and low readership are making me wonder if it's worth it.  Plus, if I'm being honest with myself, this blog has lacked focus as I seem to be ...

"Hope manifested" - a brief look at a Solar Punk Event in Pittsburgh

As I entered the Energy Innovation Center near Pittsburgh's center,  the ladies at the registration desk asked me to write down what Solar Punk meant to me.  I declined.  The reason being that when I first learned about the Solar Punk movement, I was immediately attracted to its desire to change the fundamentals of the world; solar punk is more than an art and literary movement.    While Steam punk was about a time that never was and seemed to have a certain way of dress and style to it solar punk seemed more grounded.  An old pair of blue jeans bought second hand and work boots were functional and fashionable. Where Cyberpunk seemed to envision a cold harsh future, solar punk seems almost utopian.   It offers solutions through everyday acts like gardening, vegetarianism and recycling.  Those that believe in the solar punk movement are simply not sending money to some charity but living and working to make this world a better place....

Another Trendy Post - Plant based crab???

If you have been following this blog, or our Facebook page , for a while, then you know that I'm trying to eat healthier not only for my health, but for the health of the planet as well.   I believe that we have a moral obligation to do so. The whole reason behind this "Trendy" series is to introduce you, the gentle reader; to something you may not be familiar the hope that you'll try it.   So when I buy a "plant based meat" I'm really not that interested if it tastes like chicken or steak.  I won't lie, it helps, but for the most part I'm concerned about three things. 1)  Is it healthy?  If I am being completely honest with myself it's probably not.  Any time you buy a prepackaged meal it's most likely going to be highly processed and preserved food we're buying and as such may contain a variety of chemicals and preservatives. It's not something I've grown and made myself.  Thanks to advertising companie...

A return to being "Trendy." Looking at Jack and Annie's Chicken nuggets

I had a health scare that started me down the Meatless Monday path.  It scared me enough to look at my diet and determine what I had to change.  While I figured a plant based diet was good for my health, the more I learned; the more I realized it was better for the planet too.  I became a bigger environmentalist than I was previously.  However, I am a realist and know that most of us are not going to go vegan or vegetarian.  We are to set in our ways and that the beef and dairy industries are just to powerful; that we are just happy having that good steak.   We all know that somehow we have to change.  We all know we have to start somewhere. Going meatless at least one day a week is what got me started on a healthier path, although I do try to eat vegan/vegetarian at least one meal everyday currently.  No, I'm not giving up chicken or steak but I've cut back, and that helps in some small, small way. You and I maybe " spitting in the ocean ...

2022 - A year in review OR A city mouse looks back.

This has been a year of progress.  We are entering our third year of country living and I'm actually feeling a little more hopeful than I did this time last year.  We entered the year with vague goals, things that we wanted to accomplish but with little to know idea on how to accomplish them. We managed to get a lot done. Susan could not stand the bathroom and kitchen from day one in our home, and we somehow managed to replace the windows, redo the majority of our kitchen and part of our bathroom.   That was just some of those goals we had in mind at the start of 2022.   Technically the bath is far from done, and the kitchen does need a little more work before I'm ready to call it "finished."  We got things done, that's the important thing. Yes, they took longer than I would have liked. We discussed how to keep your house warm on a budget.   I wanted to plant a small garden and we did have a few containers full of strawberries, some herbs, tomat...

Trader Joe vs. Veggie Vita = showdown in Pizza Town.

     I broke my own unwritten rule the other day.  Within the last year or so I decided that I was going to embrace a plant based diet because of health reasons.   Heart disease and high blood pressure runs in my family and, roughly two years ago, swelling in one of my legs put the fear of God into me.       As it happened it ended up being nothing but it did concern me.        So I gave up the sugary drinks for the most part and made other changes that I thought were needed, and that lead to my current semi plant based diet..  One of those changes was a pact that I made with myself.  If a restaurant offered a vegan or vegetarian option then I would order it.           Not only would I be doing something that (hopefully) was healthier but I would also be supporting the bottom line for those options.  We live in a world where the bottom line...