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Showing posts with the label safety

Inspired by diaster - personal preparation and advice for when nature is pissed

       As I am writing this, the country of South Korea was dealing with the aftermath of the Typhoon  Hinnamnor.   It pounded the southern cities of Korea with anywhere between 1 meter (39 inches) to 104 cm (41 inches) of rain, high winds and destroyed much of the infrastructure in the area.  The death toll however was kept to a minimum due to early warning, evacuations and preparedness     Still though, cars were submerged, people were trapped and lives were lost.  The roads into and out of the city in some areas were simply washed away due to flooding and others were blocked by debris.       What I found so interesting about this story however is how it fell along the "green power vs traditional power" in America on a few political discussion sites.   South Korea will recover from this relativity quickly.  They are the forth largest economy in Asia and the tenth strongest economy in the world so there was very little discussion about foreign aid.       It's also intere

Let's talk about guns.

        First off let me state clearly that this is not a political post.   This post is about guns.  For my purpose here I am classifying rifles, automatic rifles, semi automatic's, pistols and such in all their various forms as "guns."   You don't like that, get your own blog.  This is personal post     Now that we live "out in the boondocks" the question comes up every now and again from otherwise well meaning people about when Sue and I are going to buy a gun.   My answer is Probably Never .   Despite being a dyed in the wool liberal, I've no issues with guns.   After all, I know people that hunt and have never turned down their offer of venison, duck or quail.       I also have several friends that have served in the military and have defended this country with honor and dignity.  I have family members that serve the public as police and I personally have fired several rifles and pistols in my life, taking down several threatening tin cans and