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Links of Interest (To me at least).


I thought I should create a little links page.  As I come across other blogs or pages that interest me I'll include them here.  For now these are in no particular order but that may change in time.   You can always email me directly if you wish as well.    If you have a page or link you would like me to share, let me know!

City Mouse in the Boondocks Facebook page - when we have something that's related to the page but just doesn't fit here.  


Educational and Environmental Websites 


Neuroqueer solarpunker:  Follow his Facebook page, always thinking and always interesting this is one of the better "solar punk" sites I've found.

 Climate Victory Gardens - I won't lie, it's a bit more political than I would like but it does contain some good info.  Of course, if your fighting for a greener world you have to be a bit political.

No Mow Movement - Generally speaking it's the home of the No Mow May movement and the related Slow-Mow movement.   Let your yard run wild in May and then only mow it every two to three weeks after that.

Blue Thumb -  A combination of conservation groups and business groups working to create watersheds and to restore the prairies.  Lots of free info and general help.  Possible green washing.

Native Plants Online - exactly what it sounds like. 

Land Art Generator - A combination of renewable energy projects with public art, urban planning and design.  Many of these projects are in the real world now and are really beautiful and functional.

Playing in the Dirt - Designed by a forest and ecological educator, this site has a lot to offer teachers and students of any age.  Lots of ideas about how to get your students hands dirty too.

Personal and Fun Sites:

Scooter Revolution! - My now defunct motorcycling blog, from when I lived in Florida. 

Independent Order of Odd Fellows - This is one of the world's oldest service organizations, and I am a member.   You can be too

 Tasting History - History and tasty food.  This YouTube channel has it going on.  I actually plan on trying a few of these dishes as we go.

Townsends - A historical reenactor whose channel dives into the history of the last 200 years or so. He also tries to recreate various food and beer from that time period. Some interesting stuff.

Legal Eagle - Curious about the law and how its applied, misunderstood, broken or mistreated?  This is an entertaining and always interesting channel where a real Lawyer explains the law.   You just might learn something.  

My Personal Facebook  page - I have to admit I'm iffy about posting this.   However I can always change it around.   

Learn to make Cheese - A Facebook page that is full of good people and better information.  As a total noob to cheese making, I feel comfortable there.    

Resources near me:

Sunshine Farms Cat Rescue - Adoptions and very low cost spray and neuter services.  Highly Recommended

Stoneboro Fair - This is what my adopted town is known for.  

Mercer County, PA - The "what the hell to do" site

The Macoskey Center - A resource I hope to use more in the future as we move towards a more self sufficient lifestyle.   The Official website is here.  

Local Harvest - Various farm shares and farmer markets, with a searchable map.   

Munnell Run Farm - Educational working farm located in nearby Mercer, PA

Mercer County, PA extension office  - various continuing education classes

PA Solar Power Info.- exactly what it sounds like.  Great informational site.

Shenango Crest - A local organization working with rural areas on improving the environment.  

Rustbelt Natives - A nursery concentrating on native plants

Seeds and Gardening info

 Seed Savers Exchange - Yes, they are a non-profit seed organization whose roots (no pun intended) are in the simple exchange of heirloom and rare seeds.   So any company that supports a diversity of food and helps to keep historical crops alive deserves a link at least.  

Burpee - Probably the one company that everyone knows.  

Botanical Interests - An online catalog only but the company did come highly recommended to me.   

Apple Search - one man's effort to keep rare apple species from disappearing.    

Tree Pittsburgh -  Urban forest protection and tree planting.   

The Allegheny Front - Environmental news organization for all of Pennsylvania.  

Native Plants - from our bird loving friends


Energy Resources - 

Home Energy Audit - While this site is specific to Northwestern PA, it's still not a bad idea to check with your local energy company to see if they have a similar program.  

BPI Certificated Contractors

MAREA - A great resource on "alternative energy" with an emphasis on Solar Power. 

Wood Heat vs Pellet Stove - Interesting side by side comparison. 

Homesteading resources and other reading material:


How to Start a Homestead - Exactly what it sounds like.  A practical step by step guide.  

Why I'm a Homesteader - An opinion piece that I don't exactly agree with but I understand their reasoning.  

Homesteading in Suburbia - Part of the Tenth Acre Farm blog which is not a bad site in its own right. - A good sight with good info, but your mileage may vary.   

The Not so Simple Life - Interesting article about a family owned farm/homestead 

Hobby Farming - Good and informative article.  Something I am going to come back to again and again.  

A Farm Girl in the Making:   A lot of recipes and it may seem "to commercial" but some good advice here and there.  Plus, some scrumptious looking food.  You know I like to eat right?

Homestead America:  Another "for profit" homestead site but what I like about this one is the amount of simple, free info they give.   But seriously...I am tired of everything being commercialized.

Backyard goats and Backyard poultry - exactly as advertised.   We may not be there yet...but you never know.

Homesteading in PA - Brief but informative with some interesting info. - Quickly becoming one of my favorite sites.  Interesting and informative articles on a little bit of everything.    

5 Acres and a Dream - from someone that has been doing this for about 12 years now.  A great blog and resource site.   

PA Eats guide - general website about what plants are edible in the surrounding area




What all the cool kids are reading.

This beautiful life - Thanks Mom and goodbye.

    It's been a few days since I've been able to put electronic pen to electronic paper so to speak.  This was due to the untimely death of my mother, Patrica Ann Wilson or simply Pat as many of her friends and family called her.             Like any mother she could be a pain in the ass, loving, supportive and making her son's crazy at the same time.  However she always believed in and supported my brother Gary and I whenever and however she could.       The funny thing is that Sue and I moved back to Pennsylvania because we knew that our parents were getting older, and that we wanted to spend more time with them.   Now this happens with us being less than two months in the area.  At least my mother got to see our new home.     I'm sure that she probably thought we were crazy to move this far out into the country, where are nearest neighbors really are a horse named ...

Hallowed grounds

      September got away from me it seemed,     A lot of personal things happened in the last month which made me question a few things, including if it was worth continuing this blog; considering how my readership is so small.   In the end however I decided it was.  Rome, as the saying goes, was not built in a day.     I can already feel the winds of the coming winter starting, our garage is all ready full of three tons of wood pellets for our stove and yesterday was the first day we lit it.   It was not a bad or particularly cold day but we had a chill in the house that caused my hands to be ice cold, and lighting the stove helped chase that chill from them.            Soon it will be time to work on winterizing the home.  First however, we had one last trip that Sue and I had wanted to make; or more of a pilgrimage of sorts.  We were going to visit the National...

Paradigm shifts and Project 2040

In 1906, Alfred Henry Lewis stated, “ There are only nine meals between mankind and anarchy. ” His observation has been echoed by people ever since and changed a bit over time, but has remained a stark warning. Only anarchy the way most people think of it rarely occurs.  We have found that people are more likely to band together when their communities face some sort of disaster, be it from war, plague or natural disaster.   We are all too familiar with pictures and videos of communities digging through the rubble of bombed buildings searching for survivors...but how many of us remember the moments during the Covid epidemic of people singing from their balconies?   When you have a community; people will always help people.  Despite these bleak times the things that make us human - our compassion - will see us through. Recently my life changed due to issues with a car .  While, in the scheme of things it was a minor crisis it did make me think if things coul...