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Showing posts with the label goat milk

Who knew Cheese would be this fun? Cheese folly's Part 2

      I'm slowly but surely moving ahead with my cheese hobby. Recently I found some Facebook groups and other resources that are helpful in how to make cheese and what equipment I need,  including how to build a cheese press and make a cheese "cave."   Although I swear they are all hiring professional photographers to take pictures of their cheese!     I'm still trying to keep it simple, however after the success of the Insta Pot Paneer cheese , I could not help but wonder what other cheeses I could make in an Insta Pot.   I found three different types of cheeses actually.   Cottage Cheese, which frankly I never really liked the taste of and wasn't interested in making.  Mozzarella and Ricotta were the other two.  I picked the recipes that I did simply because they didn't require any rennet or starters like many of the other recipes I found.     I was unsure if I was ready for Mozzarella yet. ...

Goat's Milk and the failures of the internet

      It started with a simple question.   What does Goat's milk taste like?     Several years ago when Sue and I first started to seriously consider moving home (Okay...two years ago) and moving into the country we laughed about getting goats.       There were a few reasons for this really: Sue finds Goats really cute, and the baby goats are adorable They produce milk I personally love goat cheese   We both have had goat meat in the past and enjoyed it.      However we only have two plus a bit more acres here, and goats - while any animal to be honest - have to be worth our time and expense.   Remember we're talking feed, cleaning up after them and basically never taking another vacation again because we have to look after the animals.  While we have never specifically ruled out any farm animals, it's not going to happen anytime soon.     So any animals other than our two ...