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Showing posts with the label roof

Metal roof installation. We are "getting there"

      The Original Look      When we bought this house, a little over two months ago, we understood that the roof was over 30 years old and would need to be replaced.   We actually had moss growing in one part of it, but there seamed to be little damage elsewhere and there was no leakage or damage to the wood underneath as far as we could tell.        There was also a design flaw in the original plans (???), the front porch roof only extended roughly three quarters over the concrete porch.   Since the front end of the porch roof was pitched that meant that any water or snow that missed the gutters was dumped into the final third of the porch.   This is where a diagram would come in handy but sadly, I've not idea on how to draw or attach it to this blog.   Sorry but my sad sack explanation is going to have to do.       Well I understand the basics of roofing, I'm in no way qualified to replace it.      So we hired a contractor and his largely Amish crew to help out, cleaning the

Putting plans into acttion or DAMN, THIS IS GETTING PRICY

      With everything that has been going on recently, the recent death of my mom and some changes in my job which required me to go through an intensive background check, getting a new roof - which should be happening this week hopefully -installed on the house and our new wood pellet stove installed next weekend (more on that in a bit).  I've simply not been able to move forward on some simple projects.   For example, I wanted to get the mulch pile for the gardens started in mid October.     Now here it was, getting into late October/early November and I still didn't have any mulch piles started.  Nor do I think that I'll have them ready by spring.  For example, not only do I have to deal with my Dad's needs - he's currently living with my brother, which is roughly a 75 minute drive south of me - but I've meetings with a lawyer, insurance to sort out and other things.   Thanks do to an internal change in my company, I have to fingerprinted and undergo an inte

A bit of frustration and a bit of a rant - Country folk do things different.

A few days ago, Autumn struck Western Pennsylvania.  The red maples exploded into the blazes of color that they are known for, other trees started to slowly change and the first leaves started to fall. A few days ago, the woods were alive with the sounds of migrating birds, and I wish I had taken out my phone to record the sounds, I found myself thinking of Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds.   Although I never had that sense of foreboding or dread, I just wished that I could have seen them and recorded the moment. It was also a morning where I awoke to fog and the sound of small arms fire, which to be completely honest, I mistook as fireworks.  I'm not sure if they were hunting squirrel, which is in season now, or just shooting to practice, but it was a little odd for me.   Susan just chuckled and told me to wait for deer season in November. I am enjoying some parts of country life, other parts...not so much.  Yesterday morning Susan told me that I didn't seem happy living