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Showing posts with the label homesteading

Being Thankful I'm not being nibbled to death by gerbils.

    With Thanksgiving on the horizon, many people have asked me what I am thankful for in the last year.  My glib replay is the title of this article.  I know it seems like I'm being a whiny little bitch right now but bear with me, it does get better.     It's not that I have nothing to be thankful for, I'm still healthy and neither my family or anyone I know has lost a family member to COVID.   I have a roof over my head in a house that, all though dated, has good bones and is slowly but surely becoming "our" home.  All my bills are paid on time and both Sue and I have good paying jobs which we actually do enjoy and like...most days.          I am just feeling stressed and pushed to the limit by circumstances that I can not control, for example this week alone I will have worked ten days straight often putting in a minimum of twelve hours a day for the majority of those days.  When I was a younger man working for an engineering firm in Charlotte, NC I would not h

Homestead mistakes - the sequel nobody wanted

 Recently we lost power when the transformer blew across the street.  We were without power for about five hours.  Another day we went without power for about two hours due to a fierce thunderstorm.  As luck would have it both these instances occurred when I was off of work (I work from home on a semi-permanent basis) and during the day.             As such, they proved to be not much of an issue, however it did give me time to test the generator, which has been setting out on our covered back porch awaiting this very opportunity.              Only it would turn over, but not start.  That could be due to a variety of reasons but old gas in the carburetor would seem the most likely culprit however.  It would also be the easiest fix to the problem.            I would simply have to open up the carburetor drain screw , let the old gas drain then make sure to tighten the carb drain screw then let the new gas flow in and try it.   It should start right up.                     Only we h

A week in Tennessee - "playing by ear"

      I know, wrong state but read on!           Sue and I like to play things by ear.  When we travel just to get away it's often by throwing a dart at the map or picking a direction.   These little jaunts often lead to adventures, such as exploring near by Oil City for example.  However these short jaunts into the unknown only recharge our batteries.  Neither Sue or myself has had a proper vacation in some time.        So given the opportunity to visit friends in the Great state of Tennessee, we took full advantage of it, and flew by the seat of our pants southward with no plan in mind.     Our pants were ripped and torn however and our bums were left flapping in the wind by the end of the trip.        My buddy Tim is an old friend form High School.  We grew apart over time but started to reconnect over the last few years.  He owns eight (8) acres of land outside of Shelbyville, TN.   He owns several horses, a goat, chickens, has a fish pond,etc.     I wanted to pick his brain

It just takes patience and time

     Earlier in the week, I finally managed to get most of the house pressure washed.   This has been something that I’ve wanted to do for some time and kept getting put off due to weather, other commitments and God knows what else. Getting the green off!      Notice I said “ most” of the house.   I was only able to reach about seven or eight feet into the air.   So nearly all the second floor of the home is still in need of a good cleaning, I didn’t have the right tools to go any higher.          To do that, I would need a steady ladder and a longer hose.   Two things I don’t currently have but will be resolved shortly (probably by the time I publish this).   It’s just two more things to add to my growing collection of things.    The accumulation of things is something I'm trying to avoid but that's another post for another time.      I’ve owned homes before, both here In Pennsylvania and in Florida.    Over time I have managed to build a nice collection of hammers, wrenche


      Once in ancient America - about 100 years ago - there was this thing called a "Party Line".  In remote or rural areas it made sense to have several homes connected to one telephone line.  Thus if you had to make a call, it was possible that others could listen in, sometimes even join in on your conversation.  Party lines were a way to connect to your neighbors and avoid isolation.  Party lines were eventually replaced as the miles and miles of utility wire were laid over time in rural areas.     It sounds strange to today that we would allow ourselves a lack of privacy, but in 100 years the idea of a cell phone will probably sound very odd to the youth of that generation.  However it was a way to avoid isolation back then.  Much like our work chat and zoom calls are ways that we avoid isolation now until we finally officially go back to work.      It's not odd for my team to share pictures of our pets and talk about things other than work, even though the chat is de

Underwear Gnomes Part Two - Financial Advice

      Even though at the time of this publication no one is asking for a sequel, I thought I would share some simple financial tips that can apply not only to Homesteaders, but anyone really.          A lot of this may sound like common sense, a lot of it may sound obvious.  However you would be surprised at exactly how many people don't take advantage of what's at hand because they are so used to doing things in a certain way that they get trapped.  We feel like we have to work this job, or feel that we have to go to this store or buy that product.       So before I get into this a little background about me, I've been doing financial sales and service for over 25 years and have worked for companies like PNC Bank, New York Life, the IRS and 3M.  That being said, even though I am a licensed Insurance agent, always talk to a local financial advisor in your area.  Nor is this a solicitation for business.     First piece of advice I have for you is that when talking to a fina

Underwear gnomes and homesteading - understanding Phase 2

      I want to talk about making money on a small homestead.   Yes, it can be done.   Now that being said what the hell do I know about about homesteading or making money?     Actually not much about the first, but quite a bit about the second.   My whole life I've been in banking or financial sales of one sort or another.   Making money really isn't that hard, it's just that what is available is either misunderstood (life insurance for example) or somehow hidden away (ask your banker for rates on a No Penalty CD it's like a savings account but with a higher interest rate).      Sometimes it takes research, sometime it takes time to learn a new skill or just someone to point you in the right direction.     So I thought I would throw out a few ideas that I see mentioned time and time again on various Facebook and Reddit pages dedicated to "homesteading."  How do I make money?       What is actually being said is "I have a beginning and I have a end.  It

Being a boy scout

  Special thanks to USA Today      A friend of mine online recently stated that the state of Texas was having a "Come to Jesus" moment.  Meaning that Texans would have some hard decisions to make in the coming weeks due to the winter storm.   Because a lot of the problems that were caused by this storm could have been avoid in the first place by simply listening to experts and making simple adjustments.     My heart goes out to the millions of people who have been without power for anywhere between 24 to 36 hours plus at the time of this writing.   Not being used to that type of cold, they were simply not prepared for roads covered in ice or electric lines snapping.  They were not prepared for the fact that water lines can freeze and or burst in these types of conditions.       Not having to deal with these types of conditions on a day to day basis, they were simply unprepared.       This is not a political blog, we are not going to discuss what happened or are we going to