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Showing posts with the label legacy

Welcoming the new year....and setting up success

When I started this blog, now going into it's third year, I wasn't sure what I wanted it to do.  It lacked focus and intent.     I had a rough idea that I wanted to be a homesteader?  However at the time I really had no way define it.  On TV you see people isolated to a great extent, trying to be off the grid and self sufficient.  To a certain extent that's where I would like to be too. That's really is the basic definition of "homesteading" and even that most basic of definitions means different things to different people.  Generally however, we can all agree that it means trying to be a little more self sufficient. In some ways I consider that lifestyle to be the ultimate goal.. For now however I am just trying to reconnect with with nature by growing a garden.  The more I learn about some company farming practices, the more concerned I become about the food that I eat.  Being able to grow your own food is never a bad skill to have.   Although I'm not i

Spitting in the ocean.

      At the age of 56, it occurs to me that I have roughly 30 years left in my life give or take a few.  I've (sadly) never had kids.  So in some ways my newly found environmentalism might be my way of leaving some sort of lasting legacy?     I honestly don't know.   I'm no dummy, I know that what ever I do is spitting into the ocean.  However I also feel that not doing anything is morally bankrupt.  You can make a difference in one persons life, even though you may never see that outcome.       For whatever reason I've been coming across a lot of info on No Mow May - which is a simple idea to let your lawn grow wild during the month of May, allowing bees and other pollinators to do their thing and help re-establish a needed but diminishing species.  I let part of my yard "go wild" last year and I'm planning on letting the same parcel go wild this year.      Only I'm planning on never mowing that parcel of land again.  I'm going to let it be abs

This beautiful life - Thanks Mom and goodbye.

    It's been a few days since I've been able to put electronic pen to electronic paper so to speak.  This was due to the untimely death of my mother, Patrica Ann Wilson or simply Pat as many of her friends and family called her.             Like any mother she could be a pain in the ass, loving, supportive and making her son's crazy at the same time.  However she always believed in and supported my brother Gary and I whenever and however she could.       The funny thing is that Sue and I moved back to Pennsylvania because we knew that our parents were getting older, and that we wanted to spend more time with them.   Now this happens with us being less than two months in the area.  At least my mother got to see our new home.     I'm sure that she probably thought we were crazy to move this far out into the country, where are nearest neighbors really are a horse named Billy and a goat named Nanny.      The funny thing is that I've always found solace in nature.  As