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Showing posts with the label gardening

A bit of praise of the lowly dandelion and other ramblings.

 I consider myself a researcher.   Meaning that I find something of interest and I have to learn all I can until that research itch is satisfied.   I've actually made a career out of it in some ways.  Hopefully not dressed like this Foraging for food has never really interested me much.  I have a passing interest in it because of my desire to make my yard into a edible lawn.   For example I planted an edible (although non native) dogwood tree.  I'm planting or have planted a variety of native perennial fruits and veggie's.  It is an ongoing process, simply because in the back of my mind some post apocalyptic traveler will come across this and have nourishment for a few days. I have identified and used purslane, sheep and wood sorrel, curly dock and; what I believe is fiddlehead ferns in my yard before.  However not being 100% sure about the fiddlehead fern, it's not made it into a dish or salad yet.   Some ferns look familiar to fiddleheads but they are toxic.  As such

Mistakes are already being made. Putting in the garden in and thinking about....nothing and everything

 To be honest I don't consider myself a homesteader or even a gardener. To be blunt about it I could have easily spent the rest of my life in Florida with a small container garden on our back porch.  I would have been happy to have had a few beers at my favorite bar, enjoyed good food at my favorite restaurant and fade into the background as the fat and happy hedonist I am. The One with glasses does look like me Life had other things in store for me.   Now I find myself; perhaps not in the proverbial boondocks but with enough distance and space to force the "City Mouse" into considering how to do things differently...and not really having a clue about how to do it. Living in the country does change your viewpoint and your habits.  It's very easy to fall into cliche's and all cliche's have a kernel of truth to them...but country life does change you. Don't misunderstand me, I'm always had an interest in things like permaculture and self sufficient liv

Unfinished projects and starting new ones

 I'm the first one to admit that I'm pretty useless when it comes to any thing what I have to build or assemble.  For example it took me three days to assemble a closet from Ikea for our previous home in Florida. Although to be honest the instructions were not that clear about what part to begin with, although once we did start it came together pretty quickly and, to the best of my knowledge, still stands today.  My comfort zone has moved somewhat since I've moved out to the country.   I'm not afraid to take on a project knowing that I'll learn from it in some way. We started planning our garden in the last days of fall, although it appears that both Sue and I didn't communicate enough.  I was thinking that we would do a container garden and grow some some simple things like Basil, Brussel Sprouts, Carrots, Cilantro, Cucumbers, Garlic, Onions, Parsley, Parsnip, Peppers, Radish, Strawberries, and Tomatoes.  For a family of 2, we would need a minimum

Is it enough? Reading about revolution and being part of a solution.

  Let me state that first and foremost that I am a Pacifist.   I don't believe in violence in any way, shape or form nor do I believe that violent actions are ever justified. That being said I was reading an opinion piece on an environmentalist discussion board calling for more direct - and confrontational - action concerning climate change and social justice. I can understand the writer's comments and their frustration.  That being said I personally cannot condone or support any act of violence in the name of ecology or social justice (or any other cause for that matter).  That's just my personal belief that any violence just begets more violence...and that solves nothing. I may have been reading to much into it or supplanting my own fears and anxiety onto the author of the original piece  I do feel it's an idea worth commenting on however because the solutions needed are complex and intertwined and frankly require more than slap dash attempts at "policy." B

In like a Lion, Out like a Lamb. Rambling thoughts for the beginning of March.

  I saw a comic recently that describes the month of March perfectly. Two people are standing outside and it starts to rain, one of them comments on that by saying "Oh, it's raining again." The next panel has the other same person saying, " And now it's a mix of snow and ice." The third and final panel has some colored in streaks through the air and the first person asks the question "Is that mud?"   To which the other person simply states "I hate March." Honestly I don't hate March.  Much like September it's a transmission month for me, where I shake off the dust and depression of winter and look forward to longer days, warmer temperatures and a more colorful environment.  This winter was generally mild, with only December bearing snow and unbearably cold temperatures.  Having grown up in Western Pennsylvania, I know that Mother Nature has at least one more ice storm up her sleeve. Even as I write this our yard is cov

Chomping at the bit. I really can't wait for spring

Suddenly it's spring!!!  Actually, it's not but with temperatures in the high 40's (7 t0 9 C) it's certainly feeling like it.  We even hit a few days were it was 68 and 70 degrees (20 - 21 C).  The grass is starting to change from its winter brown to a lush and vibrant green; a few trees are even stating signs of early budding.   However as anyone that has ever lived in Western Pennsylvania knows old man winter has at least one more trick up his sleeve and snow as late as April is a real possibility.  We can't count out the old man just yet. If I am serious about wanting to plant a garden and work towards making this yard an edible oasis, then sometime this weekend I need to start planting seeds indoors.  That's the goal.  While we may not a proper garden this year, we have been prepping since last fall.   It's not pretty but it's something. Last year I think we waited too long to plant and didn't have much in the way of cross pollination, or pollina

The Middle of February brings changes

 So far this year has been one of upheaval.  Things however finally seem to be settling down into a pattern which I'll happily call "normal."   We have been blessed, so far, with a mild winter having just a few cold snaps but nothing drastic snow wise.  The days are getting longer and with it the feeling that spring will be upon us soon.  With the coming of spring I find myself thinking more and more about starting a small container garden to supplement our diet, and the edible landscape that is the long term goal.  Last year we had some small success, but were ravaged by deer, late planting and our inexperience.  We learned some things and have hopefully grown from that experience.     The greenhouse that our daughter-in-law wanted to build for herself over the winter fell by the wayside, and not wanting to let the old windows not to go to good use, I decided to pay to have a wood working family member build cold frames for us both. A cold frame is basically a mini green

Possible trees for 2023 - The edible yard continues to grow

                   No, I will not apologize for the pun in the title.             Now that it’s February, I can start thinking about what trees I want to plant in the spring.  Last year I received two Kousa Dogwoods from the good folks at Tree Pittsburgh.   Well these were technically not native plants, I’ve always loved dogwood's explosion of white or pink flowers and the fruit of this particular dogwood is edible off the tree.            They are going to get some mulch and fertilizer come spring for sure. Last year I pick up some flower and native grass seeds from the Mercer Country Conservation district although for a variety of different reasons didn't get to plant them last year.   If I am serious about creating an edible landscape for the future, then I want to work with the resources that they and the Macoskey Center provide.  The conservation district is having their annual sale and I’m considering adding a few things to the yard this year.  For example I would lik